The World Come of Age : An Intellectual History of Liberation Theology
The Latino Christ in art, literature, and liberation theology
Ethics of Liberation
Spiritual writings / Gustavo GutieĢrrez ; selected with an introduction by Daniel G. Groody.
Liberation Theologies in the United States : An Introduction
Black Theology, Slavery and Contemporary Christianity : 200 Years and No Apology
A just church : 21st century liberation theology in action / Chris Howson.
The Maryknoll Catholic mission in Peru, 1943-1989 : transnational faith and transformation /
The Preferential Option for the Poor Beyond Theology
Martyr of the Amazon
Desperate for Authenticity : A Critical Analysis of the Feminist Theology of Virginia Ramey Mollenkott
The Future of Liberation Theology : An Argument and Manifesto
The Hope of Liberation in World Religions
Queer Christianities : Lived Religion in Transgressive Forms
Special attention should be given to the date of publication of the resources you select for your paper.
  • Liberation Theology started as part of a deep renewal of Catholic Theology that took place in the 1960s as a consequence of the Second Vatican Council. As a result, any references to “liberation” in the context of theological talk before 1965 would not refer to the movement being studied in this course.
  • Furthermore, definitions and explanations of theological concepts published before 1965 would most likely reflect outdated theological views that would not help you understand the authors you will be studying.
  • Historical and socio-economic analysis of Latin American and other “third world” situations has also evolved considerably in the last 50 years.

For all these reasons, avoid citing materials published before 1965 in your papers, unless you do it to reference a historic primary source. 


Reference Books available Online

Reference Books available in our Print Collection

  • Companion Encyclopedia of Theology REFERENCE BR118 .C66 1995
  • Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin American and Caribbean Cultures REFERENCE F1406.E515 2000
  • Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture REFERENCE F1406.E53 1996
  • Harper Collins Encyclopedia of Catholicism REFERENCE BX 841 .H37 1995
  • Modern Catholic Encyclopedia REFERENCE BX841 . M63 2004
  • New Dictionary of Theology, 1991 REFERENCE BR95 .N38 1991
  • Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church REFERENCE BR 95 .08 2005

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  • Create keyword search strings with "AND" and "OR"
    For example: Catholic and mercy
  • Put phrases in quotation marks
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  • MLA and Turabian are acceptable citation styles for Professor Vidaurrazaga's sections.
  • Please choose one style and be consistent throughout your paper.

Explore the individual citation guides for more information on the citation styles.

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