Department Head: Associate Dean, Library and Learning Resources

Department Records Retention Liaison(s): Reference Librarian; Collection Librarian

Next Review Date: 2023

Document Type Description Retention Period




Incorporation Records 

Records that establish the library as a College department 


Complaint Reports 

Complaints reported to the library staff. May include reports made by patrons to library staff concerning programming and materials selection and availability, reports by library staff to director, response to complaint and final decision. 

Retain three (3) years 

Community Survey Results on the Library and Learning Commons 

A document that provides a general view, examination, or description of the Library and Learning Commons services and resources as viewed by the patrons.

Retain ten (10) years

Fundraising and Donation Records 

Records that document the fundraising activities by the library. May include but is not limited to annual reports, programs and brochures, and letters, press releases, meeting minutes and correspondence. 


Program and Exhibit Files 

Records that document programs, services and exhibits sponsored or co-sponsored by the library. May include but is not limited to press releases, copies of brochures and mailings, reading lists, memos and correspondence, clippings, photographs, invitations, resumes of exhibitors and lists of participants. 

Retain three (3) years. Review for Archival value 

Disaster Preparedness Plans 

States the library’s plan of action in the event of a natural or other disaster. Coordinate with the College disaster plan 

Retain current plan only 

Preservation Plan 

States the preservation needs and objectives of the library for a period of five (5) years 

Retain current plan only 

Collection Development Policy 

Defines the Library community served and states the collection parameters. These parameters include subject level collection guidelines based on current College curriculum and established standards in the field of librarianship for 4-year colleges.  

Retain current plan only 


Collection Assessment and Weeding Policy 

A process undertaken by libraries to learn about the needs of users and to evaluate how well the collection support these needs, in order to improve library facilities, services and resources. The goal is to involve the entire library staff in the assessment process and to improve customer service and learning resources.

Retain current plan only 


Grant Files 

Records relating to the agency’s development of grant proposals to state or federal agencies or other funding sources, and the administration of grant awards and programs. Records may include, but are not limited to, grant applications and agreements, studies, notices, technical specification, drawings, plans, bid and contract records, accounting, banking, purchasing, and payroll records, bonds, monitoring and performance reports, expenditure and outlay reports, memoranda, and correspondence. 


Unsuccessful Grant Files 

Records relating to the agency’s development of grant proposals to state or federal agencies or other funding sources, and the administration of grant awards and programs. Records and letter of denial for grant may include, but are not limited to, grant applications 

Retain three (3) years 

Monthly Report 

Internally generated reports that discuss the events and developments in a period of one month. 

Retain one (1) year 

Annual Report 

Internally generated reports that discuss the events and developments in a period of one year.  


Staff Meeting Minutes 

 The informal notes that are the instant written record of a meeting or hearing. They typically describe the events of the meeting and may include a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants, and related responses or decisions for the issues. 

Retain three (3) year 


New and/or Changed Policy Announcements 

Documents and memos written by College Departments on the creation of new policies or the development of their departments. These can include the Library and Learning Commons strategic plans or documents on individual programs. 

Retain three (3) years. Review for Archival value 

Renovation and Construction Records 

Memorandums that outline the needs and intended goals of a renovation or construction program. Records would also include environmental and architectural studies and renders, committee meeting notes and minutes, proposed budget plan and photographs or digital images.  


Fenway Library Organization Records 

 That have a significant effect on Emmanuel College or Library. (e.g, concerning dues, collection, catalog.) 

Retain three (3) years. Review for Archival value 

Database Agreements 

 Financial agreements

Retain three (3) years after last activity 





Document Type Description Retention Period

Archives and Special Collections 



Archives and Special Collections Descriptive Records 

Permanent and historical records including descriptive records such as accession log, accession records, catalogs, finding aids, guides, surveys, and inventories. 


Researchers Sign-in Logs 

Documents the daily users of the library’s special collections. 

Retain five (5) years 

Archives Records and Special Collections Transfer 

Temporary transfer of archival material and Special Collections to another department for the purposes of exhibition and digitization. It controls and tracks production of special collections records from the holdings. 

Retain five (5) years 

Temperature and RH Recordings 

Hygrothermograph recordings of temperature and relative humidity condition in special collections vault or storage area. 

Retain five (5) years 

Preservation Records 

Documents efforts to ensure the preservation of the library’s special collections. Includes preservation plans, records relating to preservation actions and document conservation 


Outreach Records 

Documents exhibits and displays from special collections holdings. Includes exhibit research and development files, pamphlets, guides and other publications and publicity. 

Retain three (3) years. Review for Archival value 

Deed of Gift 

A formal and legal agreement between the donor and the repository that transfers ownership of and legal rights to the donated materials. 


Licensing Agreement  

A formal and legal agreement between the donor and the repository that gives the repository permission to use and display the copyrighted work of author(s) or creator(s).  

Retain three (3) years after last activity 

Fiscal Records  




Records related to provision of documentation necessary for authorization of payments to vendors for agencies’ purchases of products and services. Records may include, but are not limited to, sales invoices, vouchers, direct payment documentation for standing orders and regular purchases, office supply vouchers as well as authorization to pay vendor forms and adjustment vouchers. 

Retain two (2) years 

Circulation and Reference 



Patron Registration Records 

Registration record for library access privileges. Includes patron’s name, address and date of birth. May include additional contact information and additional copies of forms of identification and/or identification numbers. 

Retain one (semester) semester 

Course Reserves 

Materials set aside for a specific academic course or other use. Most often materials are put on course reserve by library staff at the request of the course's instructor. Materials on reserve typically have shorter loan periods than other library materials to allow access to a high volume of library patrons. Reserve materials usually return to normal circulation at the end of the term.

Retain until end of semester 

Overdue Notices

Notices that describe the late fine or a charge fine against a patron for not returning a rented or borrowed item by its due date.

Retain until resolution or five (5) years, whichever comes first

Collection Records 

Records that document the collection of fines from overdue and lost materials. May include lost and paid forms and collection agency forms. 

Retain until resolution or five (5) years, whichever comes first

Interlibrary Loan Records 

Document that outlines the request users make with their home library; which, acting as an intermediary, identifies libraries with the desired item, places the request, receives the item, makes it available to the user, as well as arranges for its return. The lending library usually sets a due date and overdue fees of the material borrowed.

Retain until transaction is complete 

Cataloging Records 

Bibliographic record created for new accessions. Includes assignment of barcode and request for cataloging. 

Retain until item is de-accessioned 

Missing Items 

Document of reported missing or lost items from the shelves 

Retain four (4) years   


OPAC listing of library holdings by author, title and subject headings. 

Retain current catalog only 

Information Literacy

 Lesson Plans


Detailed description of the course of instruction or "learning trajectory" for a lesson. A developed approach to guide class learning. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the needs of the students. A lesson plan is the teacher's guide for running a particular lesson, and it includes the goal (what the students are supposed to learn), how the goal will be reached (the method, procedure) and a way of measuring how well the goal was reached.

For five (5) years 







Event Leaflets and Brochures/Pamphlets

Leaflets and brochures/pamphlet have been widely adopted in commerce and marketing communications. There are numerous purposes for flyers and pamphlets, such as institutional information or events promotions.

Retain three (3) years. Review for Archival value, especially those Event Leaflets and Brochures/Pamphlets that have original text and artwork of staff and students

Recurring Events: Permanent





Document Type Description Retention Period




Implementation of new e-resources 

Documents and memos written on the creation of new policies around or the development of new e-resources.  

Retain current copies only

  User manuals 

 A reference work, or other collection of instructions, that is intended to provide ready reference. Handbooks may deal with any topic, and are generally compendiums of information in a particular field or about a particular technique. Keep only internal user manuals for records management.

Technology manuals are for staff reference.

  Retain current copy only

Process/Workflow procedures for e-resources

Documents and memos written on the creation of new policies around or the development of new e-resources. 

  Retain two (2) years. Review for Archival value




Student Supervision 





A reference work, or other collection of instructions, that is intended to provide ready reference. Handbooks may deal with any topic, and are generally compendiums of information in a particular field or about a particular technique.

Retain current and most previous handbook only 

 Student Schedules 

A timetable, as a basic time-management tool, consists of a list of times at which students, possible tasks, events, or actions are intended to work and activities to take place. A sequence of events in the chronological order in which such things are intended to take place.

Retain one (1) year