Excel 2019 in Easy Steps : Also Covers MS Excel in Office 365
Excel Basics : Foundations * Formulas * Graphs
Financial Modeling in Excel for Dummies
Advanced Excel Reporting for Management Accountants
Data Science for Dummies
Marketing Analytics : Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel
Using Excel for Business and Financial Modelling : A Practical Guide
Excel 2019 Bible
Testing Statistical Assumptions in Research
Excel 2019 Project Book : Spreadsheets * Databases * Case Studies
Analytics Boot Camp : Basic Analytics for Business Students and Professionals
Tips and Tricks for Excel-Based Financial Modeling, Volume II : A Must for Engineers and Financial Analysts
Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel and R

Calculations and Formulas

Overview of Formulas in Excel (Microsoft)

  • See section under Formulas In-depth on Using Reference in Excel Formulas to learn about the difference between relative and absolute references.
  • See Formulas and functions for a description of statistical functions, including STDEV.S function (standard deviation).


Graphs/Scatter Plots/Linear Fitting


Formating Charts

Linear Fitting (Adding Trendlines)

Graphing two data sets on the same graph with Excel


  • This video also demonstrates selecting the X- and Y- Axes and inserting a linear trendline.
  • Created by Clayton Spencer

Analyzing Data with a Pivot Table

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Access to Microsoft Office through Emmanuel

Note: The online version of Excel that you can access without downloading the program onto your computer does not have all the features that you may need to use.



E-Book Collections

Academic Resources Center (ARC)

  • Contact the ARC for Excel guidance by course or discipline-specific tutors.
    LIB G-04 | 617-735-9755 | emmanuel.mywconline.com (for online appointments)