Chow Chop Suey
Asian American History and Culture: an Encyclopedia
Latinas in the United States
Jews and Diaspora Nationalism
Latin American Migrations to the U. S. Heartland
We Are the Revolutionists
Newcomers, Outsiders, and Insiders
Unbecoming Americans
The House on Lemon Street
To Make Our World Anew
To Make Our World Anew to 1880
African Diaspora in the Cultures of Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States
Ulster to America
Points of Passage
Becoming American
The Cultures of Italian Migration
American Immigration and Ethnicity
Brokered Boundaries
The Road to Citizenship
Letters from Readers in the Polish American Press, 1902-1969
Other People's Diasporas
Dream Chasers
The Irish-American Experience in New Jersey and Metropolitan New York
Crossing Boundaries
Postcolonial Migrants and Identity Politics
Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe
The Making of Asian America
Ellis Island Nation
New Italian migrations to the United States
Encyclopedia of American Immigration
A Nation of Nations
Brokering Servitude

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Search Terms 

  • Asylum (Encyclopedia of American Government and Civics)
  • Diaspora (Definitions by Encyclopedia of Identity)
  • Emigration (International Encyclopedia of Human Geography)
  • Immigration (Definitions by Encyclopedia of Global Studies)
  • Migration (Definitions by Keywords for American Cultural Studies)
  • Refugees (Definitions by Encyclopedia of Geography)

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