Assignment Details

MATERIAL CULTURE ASSIGNMENT (See also the assignment on ECLearn)

  1. Each student will pick an object of Japanese material culture (I can help if you cannot choose).
    See definition of material culture.
  2. You will research your object. 
  3. You will need to find at least three scholarly sources (articles and/or books) to ultimately discuss the importance of the object over time. 
  4. You will pick specific features and functions the object holds and will use these to discuss the time period you want to examine. 
  5. You will have to place the object in historical context and elaborate on the background developing around its creation, use or misuse. 
  6. You will write a double-spaced 5- page paper, using size 12 Times New Roman Font. 
  7. You will use proper citation style (Chicago) 
  8. Lastly, you will creatively present in class your short history of Japan through material object. 

Further Resources