Special attention should be given to the date of publication of the resources you select for your papers. The Catholic Church underwent tremendous changes in 1965 with the Second Vatican Council. As a result, materials published before 1965 represent an historic view of Catholic theology. Materials published after 1965 reflect current Catholic theology.

Contemporary Discussions on your Topic

News Sources

Here are a few news sources to get you started. To find others, including historical newspapers, visit the full Newspapers Guide.


Evaluating Sources

Questions to consider: 

  • What is the source's purpose? Why was it created? 
  • Who is the author? Is it an individual or an organization? What are their credentials and their authority on the topic? Where are they situated in the world and what might be their possible biases? 
  • What is the source's relevance to your research? What part of your research question will it help you answer? 

Purpose, author, and relevance help you choose sources and also present your research to your audience. If you use a source that has clear bias, you can give that context to your audience.