Special attention should be given to the date of publication of the resources you select for your papers. The Catholic Church underwent tremendous changes in 1965 with the Second Vatican Council. As a result, materials published before 1965 represent an historic view of Catholic theology. Materials published after 1965 reflect current Catholic theology.

Scholarly Articles

Scholarly articles are published in journals. Researchers use databases to search hundreds or even thousands of journals at one time. Some databases search journals in a big range of subjects, and some databases search journals only within one subject. Use this handout to identify the parts of an academic article.

Tips for Using Article Databases

The search field drop-down can be a great way to focus your search.
  • Text will give you articles where your search term(s) show up at least once in the entire text of the article.
  • Title will only give you articles with your search term in the title of the article.
  • Abstract will only give you articles with your search term in the abstract (short summary at the beginning of a scholarly article).

Here is what it looks like in Academic Search Premier:

Use filters to limit your results to what you need. Filters are located in different places in different databases. You may find them at the top, on the right, or on the left.
  • If you need only peer-reviewed articles, check that box
  • Other important filters: date, source type, subject

Example of what database filters might look like:

Other resources for finding and using scholarly articles:

Finding Full-Text Articles

If you get to a relevant article, but you don't see the full text of the article, look for the FindIt@Emmanuel button. If Emmanuel College has the full article, you will be taken to a list of options for accessing it.

If we don't have the full article, you can request it from another library through interlibrary loan.

Need help?

Diane Zydlewski

Diane Zydlewski (she/her)
Associate Librarian for Reference, Instruction, and Outreach
zydlewsd@emmanuel.edu | 617-735-9927
Schedule an Appointment