Vintage Menus (20%)

Chose a year between 1900 and 1925, the place is Boston, and you intend to open a new downtown restaurant.
  • For starters, your financial backers have asked you to make a sample dinner menu, which embodies your vision for the restaurant.
  • The menu should include the name you intend to give your establishment, as well as a full range of assorted dishes: no less than a dozen entrees as well as several sides and desserts.
  • Your financiers, who know very little about restaurants, have also requested that you provide a detailed description of each item on the menu, a list of its key ingredients, origins, and taste.
  • In addition to your menu, include a two-page report explaining your business plan.  Explain your menu. What sort of diners do you expect to attract? What culinary influences are you borrowing?

Be creative, maybe even artistic here, but in any event recognize that aesthetics and ambiance are key elements of any plan.

  • See ECLearn assignment for further information.

Potential Resources - In addition to using to those on the home page to find articles and books

Comparative Paper and Presentation on two recipes from different eras (20%)

Compare two recipes, which you can pick from any two ethnic cookbooks, but from different eras. You could even get a great-grandma recipe, if you have a scrap of paper or any kind of written text/proof of its existence and compare it with one in a cookbook. You can compare among different ethnic groups (across ethnicity, over time) or basing the analysis on a single ingredient with different usages. Be creative!

You will use at least 5 secondary sources to contextualize the time period of the two recipes/cookbooks. The recipes and cookbooks do not count as sources.

  • See ECLearn assignment for further information.